About the Author
Laura Hanks Stevens is an award-winning marketing communications professional with more than 40 years of commercial brand management and public relations writing experience. She earned her first byline during her senior year in college when an article she authored was published in Bluegrass Unlimited magazine.
Since then, she has pursued her love of creative writing as time allowed. Rainbow Soup is her first foray into the world of fiction and fantasy. Ms. Stevens is married and lives in New England.

Illustrations by Haley Grunloh
Questions with the Author
What prompted you to become a writer?
I fell in love with writing at the age of ten when my 5th-grade teacher, Mr. McCarthy, assigned us the task of writing a poem. I chose Nathan Hale as the subject of mine. When I read it aloud in class a few days later, I received a spontaneous round of applause from everyone in the room. That did it; I was hooked!
What inspired you to write Rainbow Soup?
I love to see people smile. Rainbow Soup is a gift I can give every day to bring joy to anyone who cares to read it.
Additionally, it is my hope the book will help foster and underscore the importance of key core values that seem to be quickly disappearing in current society: common courtesy, sharing, listening, and treating others with respect.
Why are there songs and games in the story?
One of my chief goals in writing Rainbow Soup was to entertain the reader and encourage the return of imagination to everyday life. Today, children and adults alike rely on technology for stimulation (television, computers, tablets, smart phones) rather than their own ability to amuse themselves through individual creativity.
I also wanted to introduce children to a more challenging vocabulary to help develop their language skills – and to demonstrate how much fun it is to play with words.
Why is the book set in the rainbow?
Rainbow Soup deliberately constructs a magical, beautiful place in which all is ‘goodness and light.’ I created a wondrous setting so it might serve as an antithesis to – and an escape from – the violence that constantly invades our lives. We seem to be surrounded daily by horrific events that drown us in tragedy. Even children’s entertainment – books, movies, video games – is often rampant with violence and evil. In my Rainbow, love is more important than wealth, and friendship, kindness, and teamwork are the keys to success.

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